Accepting Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year

as well as a Few Immediate Openings




Yes! Observations are scheduled Tuesday–Thursday at 9:30 or 1:30. An observation allows you to tour the school, see the children in their work cycle, speak with the administrator and teacher about the programs, offerings, and the Montessori method. 


Please complete the Application Form above and return to Sauganash Montessori School with the $100 non-refundable application fee. The deadline for applications during general enrollment is the 1st of March prior to the academic school year. Once received, your application will be placed in the prospective student pool. After March 1st applications will continue to be accepted as openings remain.




All applicants will be notified of their enrollment status by April 1st. Decisions are made based on availability and the gender and age ratios of our classrooms. Special consideration is given to siblings and Montessori School transfer students.

Once notified of your enrollment status please return the signed Enrollment Contract and your non-refundable program deposit or the enclosed Waiting List Form and return it to Sauganash Montessori School within ten days of receipt.

Prior to the first day of school, SMS will need to have a copy of your child's birth certificate and a physical performed within one year. Your physician will provide a signed Illinois State Health form. SMS cannot admit any child who has not received appropriate immunizations.


If offered an Enrollment Contract: Upon receipt of the signed contract and tuition deposit, a place will be held for your child and you will be contractually obligated for the tuition. Please see contract for details.

If offered a Waiting List Form: Please fill out the Waiting List Form and return immediately. Names will be placed on the list according to date of receipt. You will be contacted (in order) immediately upon availability. We occasionally experience withdrawals and urge parents to remain on the wait list.